
Mentaiko Tamagoyaki (Japanese Egg Roll with Cod Roe)

What is Mentaiko Tamagoyaki

Mentaiko Tamagoyaki is a delightful twist on the classic Japanese rolled omelet, Tamagoyaki. This version incorporates the umami-packed essence of mentaiko, spicy marinated cod roe, into the traditional sweet and savory layers of the omelet. The result? A fusion of rich flavors that elevate the beloved Tamagoyaki to a whole new level.

How to Make Mentaiko Tamagoyaki

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make Mentaiko Tamagoyaki:


  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 piece of mentaiko (spicy cod roe)
  • 1 tablespoon mirin (Japanese sweet rice wine)
  • 1 tablespoon dashi
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • Vegetable oil for cooking


  1. Prepare the Mixture:
    • Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them thoroughly until well combined.
    • Stir in the mirin, dashi and water, mixing well to ensure all ingredients are fully incorporated.
  2. Cooking Tamagoyaki:
    • Heat a Tamagoyaki pan or a small non-stick skillet over medium heat. Lightly coat the pan with vegetable oil using a paper towel.
    • Pour a thin layer of the egg mixture into the pan, just enough to cover the bottom.
    • Add the Mentaiko on top of the thin layer of egg mixture
    • As the edges start to set, gently roll the egg towards one side of the pan using chopsticks, a spatula, or a Tamagoyaki bamboo mat, creating a small roll.
    • Push the roll to the opposite side of the pan and oil any empty space. Pour in another thin layer of the egg mixture to cover the bottom of the pan and around the roll.
    • As it sets, roll the previously formed egg roll back towards the other side of the pan, incorporating it into the new layer of egg.
    • Repeat this process, adding more egg mixture and rolling until all the mixture is used, forming a layered log shape. This creates the distinctive Tamagoyaki layers.
  3. Finishing Touches:
    • Once the omelet is fully cooked and has a nicely golden exterior, remove it from the pan.
    • Allow it to cool slightly before transferring it to a cutting board.
    • Using a sharp knife, slice the Mentaiko Tamagoyaki into bite-sized pieces or larger slices, depending on your preference.
  4. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Arrange the Mentaiko Tamagoyaki slices on a plate or serving dish.
    • Garnish with some additional mentaiko on top for an extra burst of flavor if desired.
    • Serve it as a standalone dish, a delightful addition to a bento box, or as a part of a sushi assortment.
  5. Storage:
    • If there are any leftovers, wrap them in plastic wrap or store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They can be enjoyed later and will keep well for a few days.

What are the Nutrition Values in Mentaiko Tamagoyaki

The nutritional values in Mentaiko Tamagoyaki can vary based on portion size and specific ingredients used, but here’s a general overview of its nutritional profile per serving:

  • Calories: A single serving of Mentaiko Tamagoyaki, approximately a 1-inch slice, can contain around 70-100 calories.
  • Protein: Eggs are a significant source of protein, and Mentaiko Tamagoyaki can provide around 6-8 grams of protein per serving, depending on the size of the slice.
  • Fats: Eggs and mentaiko both contain fats. While eggs have healthy fats, mentaiko might have higher levels of saturated fats due to its marination. A serving could contain around 5-7 grams of fat.
  • Cholesterol: Eggs are known for their cholesterol content. Mentaiko Tamagoyaki, being egg-based, can contain around 180-200 milligrams of cholesterol per serving.
  • Sodium: Mentaiko, especially the marinated variety, can be higher in sodium due to the seasoning. A serving might contain around 400-600 milligrams of sodium or more, depending on the amount and type of mentaiko used.
  • Other Nutrients: Mentaiko Tamagoyaki also provides essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium, and phosphorus, among others, which contribute to overall health and well-being.

It’s important to note that these values are approximate and can vary based on the specific ingredients and quantities used in the recipe. If you’re monitoring your intake of certain nutrients, especially sodium or cholesterol, it’s advisable to adjust portions accordingly or choose lower-sodium options for ingredients.

Can I Substitute Mentaiko with Other Ingredients to Make Tamagoyaki

While Mentaiko Tamagoyaki is a delicious variation, you can certainly substitute mentaiko with other ingredients to create different flavors of Tamagoyaki. Here are a few options:

1. Vegetables: Incorporating finely diced or grated vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, or carrots can add a burst of flavor and nutrients to your Tamagoyaki. Sauté the vegetables before adding them to the egg mixture to ensure they release their moisture and cook properly within the omelet.

2. Cheese: Adding grated cheese like cheddar, mozzarella, or even cream cheese to the egg mixture can create a creamy and savory Tamagoyaki variation. The cheese melts into the layers, providing richness and a delightful texture.

3. Crab or Shrimp: Finely chopped cooked crab meat or shrimp can be a fantastic substitute for mentaiko. They offer a seafood twist to the Tamagoyaki, imparting a unique taste and texture.

4. Ham or Bacon: Diced ham or crispy bacon bits can infuse your Tamagoyaki with a savory and smoky flavor. Cook the meat beforehand and add it to the egg mixture before rolling the omelet.

5. Other Types of Roe: If you enjoy the briny taste of roe but want to explore different flavors, consider using other types of roe like salmon roe (ikura), flying fish roe (tobiko), or herring roe (kazunoko). Each brings its distinct taste and texture to the Tamagoyaki.

When substituting ingredients, keep in mind the texture and moisture content of the substitutes to ensure they cook well within the layers of the Tamagoyaki. Experiment with different combinations to create your personalized Tamagoyaki and discover flavors that suit your preferences!

What is the Best Way to Serve Mentaiko Tamagoyaki

Mentaiko Tamagoyaki offers versatility in serving, making it suitable for various occasions and meal settings. Here are some delightful ways to serve and enjoy this flavorful dish:

  1. As a Standalone Dish: Serve Mentaiko Tamagoyaki as the main attraction on a plate. Cut it into slices and arrange them neatly to showcase its beautiful layers. Garnish with some additional chopped mentaiko or a sprinkle of chopped green onions or sesame seeds for an extra touch of flavor and visual appeal.
  2. In a Bento Box: Mentaiko Tamagoyaki makes an excellent addition to a traditional Japanese bento box. Cut it into smaller pieces and place it alongside other bento items such as rice, vegetables, and protein for a balanced and visually appealing meal.
  3. In Sushi Rolls or Onigiri: Incorporate Mentaiko Tamagoyaki into sushi rolls or onigiri (rice balls). Slice the Tamagoyaki into thin strips and use them as a filling for sushi rolls or as a flavorful center for onigiri. The combination of flavors will add depth to these classic Japanese dishes.
  4. As an Appetizer or Side Dish: Cut the Tamagoyaki into bite-sized pieces and serve them as appetizers or side dishes for gatherings. They’re perfect for parties, potlucks, or as a delicious addition to a tapas-style meal.
  5. With Noodles or Ramen: Incorporate sliced Mentaiko Tamagoyaki into a bowl of noodles or ramen for an extra burst of flavor and protein. The savory omelet pairs well with the richness of broth-based dishes.
  6. With a Salad: Pair the Tamagoyaki with a fresh salad for a light and flavorful meal. Its umami-packed taste complements the crispness and freshness of greens, making for a delightful combination.

Remember, Mentaiko Tamagoyaki’s versatility allows it to shine in various settings. Consider the occasion and the flavors you’d like to complement when choosing the best way to serve this delicious dish!

How to Store Mentaiko Tamagoyaki

Storing Mentaiko Tamagoyaki properly helps maintain its freshness and flavor. Here’s a guide on how to store it:

  1. Cooling Down: Allow the cooked Mentaiko Tamagoyaki to cool completely at room temperature. Placing it in the refrigerator while it’s still warm could create condensation, leading to sogginess.
  2. Wrapping: Once cooled, wrap the Tamagoyaki tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Ensure it’s completely covered to prevent air exposure, which can dry out the omelet.
  3. Airtight Container: Alternatively, place the wrapped Tamagoyaki in an airtight container. This further protects it from air and helps maintain its moisture.
  4. Refrigeration: Store the wrapped or containerized Mentaiko Tamagoyaki in the refrigerator. It can stay fresh for up to 3-4 days when properly stored.
  5. Avoid Freezing: While Tamagoyaki can be frozen, the texture may change slightly upon thawing. If you plan to freeze it, wrap it tightly in multiple layers of plastic wrap or place it in a freezer-safe container. Thaw it in the refrigerator before reheating or serving.
  6. Reheating: To reheat, gently warm the Tamagoyaki in a non-stick pan over low heat or briefly in the microwave. Heating it too quickly or at high temperatures might cause it to dry out.

Remember, proper storage is crucial to maintain the quality of the Tamagoyaki. By following these steps, you can ensure that it stays fresh and enjoyable for longer periods!

Mentaiko Tamagoyaki (Japanese Egg Roll with Cod Roe)

Difficulty:IntermediatePrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 40 minutesRest time: 40 minutesTotal time: minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:300 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Mentaiko Tamagoyaki is a delightful twist on the classic Japanese rolled omelet, Tamagoyaki. This version incorporates the umami-packed essence of mentaiko, spicy marinated cod roe, into the traditional sweet and savory layers of the omelet. The result? A fusion of rich flavors that elevate the beloved Tamagoyaki to a whole new level.



  1. Prepare the Mixture:
    Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them thoroughly until well combined.
    Stir in the mirin, dashi and water, mixing well to ensure all ingredients are fully incorporated.
  2. Cooking Tamagoyaki:
    Heat a Tamagoyaki pan or a small non-stick skillet over medium heat. Lightly coat the pan with vegetable oil using a paper towel.
    Pour a thin layer of the egg mixture into the pan, just enough to cover the bottom.
    Add the Mentaiko on top of the thin layer of egg mixture
    As the edges start to set, gently roll the egg towards one side of the pan using chopsticks, a spatula, or a Tamagoyaki bamboo mat, creating a small roll.
    Push the roll to the opposite side of the pan and oil any empty space. Pour in another thin layer of the egg mixture to cover the bottom of the pan and around the roll.
    As it sets, roll the previously formed egg roll back towards the other side of the pan, incorporating it into the new layer of egg.
    Repeat this process, adding more egg mixture and rolling until all the mixture is used, forming a layered log shape. This creates the distinctive Tamagoyaki layers.
  3. Finishing Touches:
    Once the omelet is fully cooked and has a nicely golden exterior, remove it from the pan.
    Allow it to cool slightly before transferring it to a cutting board.
    Using a sharp knife, slice the Mentaiko Tamagoyaki into bite-sized pieces or larger slices, depending on your preference.
  4. Serve and Enjoy:
    Arrange the Mentaiko Tamagoyaki slices on a plate or serving dish.
    Garnish with some additional mentaiko on top for an extra burst of flavor if desired.
    Serve it as a standalone dish, a delightful addition to a bento box, or as a part of a sushi assortment.
Keywords:Appetizer, Japanese, Egg, Tamagoyaki, Mentaiko


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